The Relationship between Undergraduate Students’ Creative Ability, Career Self-Management and Employ Ability
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.67138, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,871  浏览: 5,925 
作者: 余 琛:浙江工商大学工商管理学院,浙江 杭州
关键词: 职业自我管理创新能力大学生就业能力Career Self-Management Creative Ability Undergraduate Students Employ Ability
摘要: 本文从大学生创新能力对就业能力的影响为切入点,在此基础上,探讨大学生创新能力、职业自我管理和就业能力之间的关系。本文采用自编和参考相结合的办法设计问卷,对南方高校的艺术类、理工类、文学类、管理类等等专业的132名在校大学生进行了创新能力、职业自我管理和就业能力方面的调查。结果表明:在校大学生的职业自我管理水平受到创新能力的影响,职业自我管理对就业能力具有预测性。因此,我们提出:高校应该加强创新教育,强化实践教学和创新能力培养,帮助学生充分开拓资源,搜寻求职信息,增强大学生的创新能力,最终达到提高就业能力的目的。
Abstract: Purpose—The study aimed to investigate if creativity is related to career self-management and to cover the relationship between creative ability, career self-management and employ ability. Design/methodology/approach—Reviews of the literature relating to the effects of creative ability on employ ability are presented to provide the basis for the research hypotheses. We surveyed a sample of 132 undergraduate students from universities in south of China, a wide range of majors, regarding their creative ability, career self-management and employ ability. Variables were measured by subjective and self-described questionnaires. Regression analyses, correlate analyses and so on were used to test the hypotheses. Findings-The results showed that: 1) Creative ability predicted career self-management; 2) Career self-management was positively related to employ ability. Practical implications—Knowledge of the antecedents to employ ability should provide certain advantages universities attempting to design course and teach students. The findings have implications for undergraduate students education programmes, especially creative thinking course. Originality/value—This paper makes a valuable contribution to both creative education and career management literatures, by being one of the first to examine the relationship between creative ability, career self-management and employ ability. This paper will also be useful to the academic communities, the public and other interested parties who are interested in improving students’ creative ability during their periods of study in the universities.
文章引用:余琛. 大学生的创新能力、职业自我管理与就业能力之间的关系[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(7): 964-969. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.67138


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