An Interpretation of the Spiritual Connotation of Minnan Culture from the Perspective of Humanism
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.67129, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,438  浏览: 2,003  科研立项经费支持
作者: 余瑞萍:闽南师范大学,法学与公共管理学院,福建 漳州
关键词: 人本主义闽南文化精神内涵Humanism Minnan Culture Spiritual Connotation
摘要: 人本主义理论以人为核心,注重人的需求、潜能和尊严,倡导人与自然的和谐一致。闽南文化吸纳了中原传统儒家文化,同时也开辟了自身的独特性。本文从人本主义视角出发,解读闽南文化的精神内涵,即在务实逐利中满足人性需求;在崇乡敬祖、奉献他人的行为中实现自我;在与自然的和谐相处中寻求生活的美感。
Abstract: Humanistic theory, whose core is human, focuses on human needs, potential and dignity, and advocates harmony between man and nature. Minnan culture does not only absorb the traditional culture of the Central Plains, but also it has its own uniqueness. From the perspective of humanism, this paper interprets the spiritual connotation of Minnan culture, that is, to meet the needs of human nature in practicality and profit-seeking, to achieve self in adoration of their homeland, respect to their ancestors and dedication to others, to seek the beauty of life in pursuit harmony with nature.
文章引用:余瑞萍. 人本主义视角下闽南文化的精神内涵解读[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(7): 909-912. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.67129


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