The Field of Affective Sociology: Superficial Analysis of the Emotional Logic of Mass Events—Read the Book “Human Emotions—Sociological Theory”
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.67128, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,788  浏览: 2,534 
作者: 于灵嘉:上海市华东政法大学社会发展学院,上海
关键词: 情感唤醒情感逻辑群体性事件社会学理论Emotion Awakening Emotional Logic Mass Event Sociological Theory
摘要: 特纳的《人类情感——社会学的理论》是学习情感社会学的必读著作,作者围绕“情感唤醒”展开对情感社会学理论的建构。作者从“情感唤醒”的各个阶段,及其在各个社会结构水平所体现的社会性、建构性、利用性和他们之间的交互作用等方面展开叙述。而关注情感唤醒的原理则是理解当下中国群体性事件的重要视角,因此笔者在文中归纳、总结了部分书中的重点研究内容及其论点,谈谈书中情感唤醒机制对理解群体性事件的启示。
Abstract: Tuner’s “Human Emotions—Sociological Theory” is an important book for studying emotional sociology, social psychology and contemporary sociological theory; the author focuses on the word “emotion awakening”, and develops the theory of emotional sociology. The author starts his narrate from the “emotional awakening” at various stages in various social levels of social structure, and explains the sociality, structure, functionality and the interaction between them. And focusing on the principle of emotional arousal is an important perspective to understand the current mass events in China. So In this paper, the writer summarized a part of research contents and its theories, to discuss the enlightenment of the emotional arousal mechanism in the book.
文章引用:于灵嘉. 情感社会学视域:浅析群体性事件发生的情感逻辑—读《人类情感——社会学的理论》[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(7): 904-908. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.67128


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