The Contrast and Continuity about the Concept of Freedom—Based on Marx's Philosophy and Chinese Traditional Culture
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.67118, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,577  浏览: 2,800 
作者: 袁 月:北京师范大学,北京
关键词: 马克思主义哲学中国传统文化自由观Marxist Philosophy Chinese Traditional Culture the Concept of Freedom
摘要: 在马克思主义哲学中,自由是现实的、辩证的、与实践活动休戚相关的概念,坚持客观必然性与主观能动性统一的原则,具有实践性与科学性的特点。中国传统文化中,自由受环境束缚,内求于心,强调意志的重要作用,本文以儒、道、释三家为例,分别从入世、出世、济世的方向探讨自由。马克思主义哲学和中国传统文化中的自由观,在相互借鉴上存在必要性和可能性,正确理解二者的精神内涵并合理运用,是重释现代自由精神的题中之义。
Abstract: In Marxist philosophy, the concept of freedom is realistic, dialectical, closely related to the prac-tice, adhering to the unity of objective necessity and subjective with practical and scientific cha-racteristics. In the traditional Chinese culture, freedom is restricted by the environment, and people seek freedom from the heart, emphasizing the important function of the will. This article takes Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism as example, discussing freedom from entering the society, leaving the society and relieving the society. There exists necessity and possibility in the communication of the concept of freedom in Marxist philosophy and Chinese traditional culture. A correct understanding of the spirit of the two connotations and rational use are the meaning of the title to reinterpret the spirit of freedom in modern society.
文章引用:袁月. 自由观的对比与贯通—基于马克思主义哲学与中国传统文化视阈[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(7): 835-840. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.67118


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