Nets Selectivity of Rhinogobio ventralis in Different Sections of Yangtze River
DOI: 10.12677/OJNS.2017.53035, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,413  浏览: 4,586  科研立项经费支持
作者: 辛建峰:惠州市环保局惠城区分局环境监测站,广东 惠州;张 臣:西华师范大学生命科学学院,四川 南充
关键词: 长鳍吻鮈网具补充群体过度捕捞Rhinogobio ventralis Nets Recruitment Stocks Overfishing
摘要: 为了解不同网具对长江不同江段长鳍吻鮈(Rhinogobio ventralis)的选择性,本研究对1997年至2007年间长江干流宜宾、合江、木洞3个江段长鳍吻鮈的渔获物数据进行了整合与分析,并据此提出相关建议,以期更好地保护长江干流长鳍吻鮈渔业资源。研究结果显示,三层流刺网在上述3个江段中的使用效果相对较好,渔获物以150 mm以上的较大成熟个体为主,占总量的70%以上;其它网具主要以较小资源补充群体为捕捞对象,这对长鳍吻鮈渔业资源的破坏较大。建议加强对长江干流的渔业管理,尽量避免使用围网、流刺网等对补充群体危害较大的网具,适当采取限捕和禁捕措施,以保证渔业资源的可持续利用。
Abstract: In order to illustrate the nets selectivity of R. ventralis in different sections of Yangtze River, individuals which were collected from the 3 sections (Yibin, Hejiang and Mudong) from 1997 to 2007 were analyzed. The data showed that the fishing result of trammel-net was better than other kinds of nets. Most of its catches were mature individuals and their standard length was more than 150 mm. The other kinds of nets took recruitment stocks as the main fishing object and would destroy the fishery resources. We suggest to improve the management mechanism during the Yangtze River and stop to use the nets which will do harm to the recruitment stocks.
文章引用:辛建峰, 张臣. 不同网具对长江不同江段长鳍吻鮈的选择性研究[J]. 自然科学, 2017, 5(3): 259-262. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJNS.2017.53035


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