Guangdong Mountainous Area Highway Soft Soil Physical and Mechanical Characteristics and Correlation Analysis
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2017.64018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,256  浏览: 2,391 
作者: 韩永华:广东平兴高速公路有限公司,广东 梅州
关键词: 山区软土平兴高速物理力学性质Mountain Soft Soil Pingxing Highway Physical and Mechanical Properties
摘要: 本文通过汇总分析平兴高速公路大量室内土工试验结果,分析了山区软土的物理力学特点及与珠三角平原软土的区别,并在此基础上,归纳了山区软土多项物理力学指标之间相互关系的经验公式,有助于提高对山区软土的认识及对其物理力学指标的掌握,从而促进勘察设计工作质量。
Abstract: By sorting a large number of indoor soil test results, we analyzed the physical and mechanical characteristics of mountain soft soil in Pingxing highway and the differences between the Pearl River Delta plain soft soil on this basis, summarized the empirical relationship between the seve- ral physical and mechanical indexes of the mountain soft soil in Pingxing highway, to help improve understanding of the mountain soft soil and master their physical and mechanical properties, thereby contributing to the quality of survey and design work.
文章引用:韩永华. 广东山区高速公路软土物理力学特性及相关性分析研究[J]. 交通技术, 2017, 6(4): 139-146.


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