Integrate with Agriculture Base & Supermarket——New Opportunities to Response Abandoned Rural Land
摘要: 在中国,二十世纪90 年代农超对接模式和农村土地抛荒问题初见端倪,二十一世纪的今天,他们更成为热点话题。本文首次尝试把“农超对接”和农村土地抛荒两个貌似不相关的问题联系在一起 ,认为农超对接模式的良性发展及推广是应对农村土地抛荒的新机遇。
Abstract: In China, Integrate with Agriculture Base & Supermarket and the problem of Abandoned Rural Land had begun to take shape in1990s. And they are more than the hot topic in 21st. This is the first attempt to link Integrate with Agriculture Base & Supermarket and the problem of Abandoned Rural Land, which looks like two seemingly unrelated issues. This paper argues that positive development and promotion of Integrate with Agriculture Base & Supermarket is new opportunities to the problem of Abandoned Rural Land.
文章引用:张高华, 徐邓耀. “农超对接”——应对土地抛荒的新机遇[J]. 现代市场营销, 2011, 1(2): 32-35. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mom.2011.12007