Experimental Study on Pulverized Coal Explosion Characteristics of Coal-to-Oil
DOI: 10.12677/ME.2017.53006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,762  浏览: 4,928  科研立项经费支持
作者: 姚 敏*, 黄 斌, 汤卫林:神华宁夏煤业集团有限责任公司,宁夏 银川
关键词: 煤尘爆炸下限最大爆炸压力最大压力上升速率极限氧含量Coal Dust Lower Explosive Limit Maximum Explosion Pressure Maximum Pressure Rise Rate Limiting Oxygen Content
摘要: 在新型煤化工行业中,煤粉爆炸的防治问题尤为重要。在对煤尘爆炸的条件及影响因素进行分析的基础上,基于20 L粉尘爆炸特性测试系统,测试了某煤制油企业使用煤粉的爆炸下限浓度、最大爆炸压力、最大压力上升速率、极限氧含量等爆炸特性参数。所得实验结果为煤制油企业采取有效的安全技术措施提供了重要的理论依据。
Abstract: In the new coal chemical industry, the prevention and control of coal dust explosion is particularly important. Based on the analysis of the conditions and influencing factors of coal dust explosion, the explosion characteristics such as explosion concentration, maximum explosion pressure, maximum pressure rise rate and limit oxygen content of pulverized coal were tested based on the 20 L dust explosion characteristic test system. The experimental results provide important theoretical basis for coal-to-oil enterprises to take effective safety and technical measures.
文章引用:姚敏, 黄斌, 汤卫林. 煤制油煤粉爆炸特性实验研究[J]. 矿山工程, 2017, 5(3): 43-49. https://doi.org/10.12677/ME.2017.53006


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