Analysis of the Application of Cloud Computing in e-Commerce Based on SWOT Method—Taking Ali Taobao Platform as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/ECL.2017.63005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,084  浏览: 5,832  科研立项经费支持
作者: 窦欣欣, 王晓平:北京物资学院,北京
关键词: 电子商务SWOT分析法云计算Electronic Commerce SWOT Analysis Cloud Computing
摘要: 在全球范围内,基于Internet的电子商务迅猛发展,促使各企业经营者必须及时搜集大量的数据,并且将这些数据转换成有用的信息,为企业创造更多潜在的利润。目前我国电子商务企业刚刚应用云计算,有优势、有劣势,本文以阿里淘宝为例,运用SWOT分析法,分析云计算在电子商务的发展现状,并提出发展对策。
Abstract: Around the world, the electronic commerce based on Internet is developing rapidly, so the company must timely collect large amounts of data, and these data are turned into useful information, to create more potential profits for the enterprise. At present, China’s e-commerce enterprises just apply cloud computing, which has advantages and disadvantages. This paper, taking Ali Taobao as an example and using the SWOT analysis method, analyzes cloud computing in the development of e-commerce, and puts forward the development countermeasures.
文章引用:窦欣欣, 王晓平. 基于SWOT方法对云计算在电子商务的应用分析—以阿里淘宝平台为例[J]. 电子商务评论, 2017, 6(3): 33-38. https://doi.org/10.12677/ECL.2017.63005


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