Research on Development of Spontaneous Light High Visibility Warning Clothes
DOI: 10.12677/Design.2017.21001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,110  浏览: 4,552  科研立项经费支持
作者: 钱晓农, 张 宁, 杨 璇, 孙一文:大连工业大学服装学院,辽宁 大连
关键词: 警示服装高可视性自发光服装设计Warning Clothes High Visuality Autoluminescence Clothes Design
摘要: 本文目的是改良传统警示服装反光性差的弊端,研发融入智能纺织面料的自发光高可视性警示服装。在分析了人的视觉和色彩敏感度的关系后,确定警示服装基底的反光材料和发光材料的色彩,比较了几种常见发光材料的特点,基于安全、环保以及服用性的要求选择EL冷光线与柔性反光纱线编织,形成发光模块整合进警示服装中。测试结果验证该警示服装基底材料符合“高可视服装新国际标准ISO 20471:2013”,保证使用者在高风险环境中的可视性,其自发光面料可以降低光线弱等情况对于服装警示功能的影响。
Abstract: This thesis is aimed at improving and rectifying the disadvantages of the poor reflection of tradi-tional warning clothing, and developing the spontaneous high visibility warning clothes which integrate smart textile fabrics. Based on the relationship between human vision and color sensitivity, contrast ratio will be improved on ensuring the color of basal reflective and luminescent materials of warning clothing. Luminous shell fabric is complied with self-luminous line and reflection of light line on the consideration of safety, environmental protection and wearable fitness after comparison of the characteristics of several common luminescent materials, and it is integrated into luminescence module and applied to warning clothes. According to the test results, basal reflective materials of this warning clothes comply with the New International Standard High Visual Clothing ISO 20471:2013, ensuring that the wearers are visible under highly risky circumstances. And its self-luminous shell fabrics are able to compensate for the influence of weak light on the warning clothes.
文章引用:钱晓农, 张宁, 杨璇, 孙一文. 自发光高可视性警示服装研究进展[J]. 设计, 2017, 2(1): 1-7. https://doi.org/10.12677/Design.2017.21001


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