The Application of Competency Model in Appraisal of Compound Talents
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2017.73013, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,576  浏览: 5,164 
作者: 徐莉莉*:上海电力学院,上海;陶 红:上海建科工程咨询有限公司,上海
关键词: 岗位胜任力模型复合型人才权重测评标准Competency Model Compound Talents Weights Appraisal Criteria
摘要: 本文以上海建科工程咨询有限公司的监理系列岗位为例,首先从岗位胜任力模型在人才测评中的可操作性和可应用性角度,通过专家访谈法,对基于行为事件访谈得到的岗位胜任力模型进行修正。其次,运用层次分析法,计算并确定岗位胜任力权重。再次,运用文献资料法,对岗位胜任力进行分级定义,以确定岗位胜任力的测评标准。从而,对岗位胜任力模型在技术管理复合型人才测评中的应用进行了探讨,有助于企业构建较为全面的复合型人才的岗位胜任力测评体系。
Abstract: Taking the construction supervisors in Shanghai Jianke Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. for example, the competency model for different levels of construction supervisors based on BEI was firstly adjusted by methods of expert interview from the manageable and applicable view of the competency model in personnel appraisal. Secondly, weights of competency were calculated by AHP. Thirdly, the competence characters were rated and defined by methods of literature review, in order to form appraisal criteria. Thus, the application of competency model in appraisal of compound talents with professional skills and knowledge of management was further discussed, which is helpful to construct a comprehensive appraisal system of competency of compound talents.
文章引用:徐莉莉, 陶红. 岗位胜任力模型在技术管理复合型人才测评中的应用[J]. 现代管理, 2017, 7(3): 86-92. https://doi.org/10.12677/MM.2017.73013


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