The Trees: Larkin’s Anxiety over Existence and His Identity Strategy
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作者: 肖云华:南方医科大学,外国语学院,广东 广州
关键词: 拉金《树》生存焦虑策略Larkin The Trees Existence Anxiety Strategy
摘要: 《树》表达了人们对于死亡的共同感受;但它更是存在者个体的生存焦虑与挣扎,也是拉金诗人身份意识的生动类比。树的生存焦虑,就是诗人的生存焦虑;树的抗争“诡计”就是诗人身份抗争的策略;区别在于,树的“诡计”只够不停地说服自己,而拉金则成功地确立了他的民族传统诗人的身份。他在诗文之后附上的“非常糟糕的废话”,丰富了作品的内涵,是构成《树》的艺术完整性不可或缺的部分。
Abstract:  “The Trees” is more of an analogy of Larkin’s own existence as a poet than of the shared expe-rience of death for humanity. The trees’ anxiety over life; their tricks of fooling themselves into believing in eternal existence, both metaphorically reveal his identity awareness and identity politics; but the trees only fool themselves while Larkin’s strategy helps to the establishment of himself as a national and traditional poet. The seemingly “awful tripe” he attached to the poem is an essential artistic component of the poem.
文章引用:肖云华. 拉金的《树》:生存的焦虑与诗人的策略[J]. 世界文学研究, 2017, 5(2): 48-54. https://doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2017.52008


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