The Literature Review of Susan Sontag’s The Volcano Lover with Regards to Both Domestic and Foreign Research
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作者: 邢兵兵:中南大学,湖南 长沙
关键词: 《火山情人》文献综述苏珊•桑塔格The Volcano Lover Literature Review Susan Sontag
摘要: 《火山情人》是美国著名作家、艺术评论家苏珊•桑塔格所著的长篇历史传奇小说,曾荣登美国畅销书排行榜首位,引起国内外学者的重视及广泛研究,但国内外的研究方向和关注热点有所不同。国外关于《火山情人》的研究多为简短的书评,同时对传奇与爱情、现代主义和美学意义等主题方面有所涉及。国内研究角度广泛,涉及文化诗学、女权主义、现代主义、新历史主义等多个文艺理论。相比而言,国内对该书的研究热点过于集中,参考引文也大多是国内文献,在拓展研究方向上还有很大的潜力。
Abstract: As the famous American writer and art critic, Susan Sontag finished her first historical novel The Volcano Lover in 1992, which won the first place of Best-seller Lists in America. This historical novel raises scholars’ concern and extensive research; however, the research direction and focus in China and abroad are different. The researches on The Volcano Lover abroad mostly are book review and include the interpretation of romance and love, modernism and aesthetic meaning in this novel. While domestic researches are mostly focus on feminism, modernism and new historicism that reflected in the novel. Compared with researches abroad, domestic research focus is excessively concentrated and the bibliography mostly cites from domestic articles, which means domestic research has great potential in expanding research direction.
文章引用:邢兵兵. 苏珊•桑塔格《火山情人》国内外文献综述[J]. 世界文学研究, 2017, 5(2): 30-36. https://doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2017.52005


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