Research of Mathematical Models on the Cooperation of the Urban Financial in the Yue Gui Qian High-Speed Railway Economic Belt
DOI: 10.12677/SA.2017.62015, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,556  浏览: 4,253  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 陈晶晶, 郭艳凤:广西科技大学理学院,广西 柳州;秦 智:柳州高新技术产业开发区管委会,广西 柳州
关键词: 粤桂黔高铁经济带引力模型灰色关联度金融联系合作发展The Yue Gui Qian High-Speed Railway Economic Belt The Gravity Model Grey Relational Degree Economy Linkage Degree Cooperative Development
摘要: 粤桂黔高铁经济带区域金融合作发展,对产业结构升级、区域经济发展有推动作用。文章根据粤桂黔高铁经济带沿线41个城市2014年的截面数据和广东、广西、贵州三个省2005~2014年的时间序列数据,采用引力模型,使用灰色关联分析方法对粤桂黔高铁经济带城市金融合作发展现状及存在的问题进行实证研究。研究成果表明,由于地域差异,粤桂黔高铁经济带沿线城市的金融联系度存在较大差距且金融合作存在相互制约,影响粤桂黔城市金融合作发展的主要因素也各不相同,依据所得研究成果,本文结合实际情况提出了相应的政策建议。
Abstract: The cooperation development of the urban financial in the Yue Gui Qian High-speed railway eco-nomic belt prompts the upgrading of industrial structure and development of regional economics. This paper gives empirical research on current development status of urban financial cooperation and existing problems in Yue Gui Qian high-speed railway economic belt with adoption of gravity model and grey correlation analysis method based on the cross-sectional data of 41 cities along the high-speed railway economic belt of 2014 as well as the time series data of Guangdong, Guangxi and Guizhou from 2005 to 2014. The results show that, under the influence of high-speed railway economic belt, economy linkage degrees of the cities along the route have a great difference; the cooperation of the cities is interaction due to the geographic scope, and the main factors of the cities’ financial cooperation development are independent and diverse.
文章引用:陈晶晶, 郭艳凤, 秦智. 粤桂黔高铁经济带金融合作发展数学模型的实证研究[J]. 统计学与应用, 2017, 6(2): 130-137. https://doi.org/10.12677/SA.2017.62015


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