Technical Measures of Improving Economic Performance on Breeding Ricefield Eel in Pond
DOI: 10.12677/OJFR.2017.42008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,345  浏览: 2,964 
作者: 陈俊伟:安岳县康家桥水库管理所,四川 安岳 ;吴前富:安岳县柜子堰水产合作社,四川 安岳
关键词: 鳝鱼池塘养鳝经济效益技术措施Ricefield Eel Breeding in Pond Economic Performance Technical Measure
摘要: 要提高池塘人工养殖的经济效益,需要从池塘建设、池塘消毒、鳝苗放养、水质水温、饲料投喂、日常管理、疾病防治、成鳝捕捞等采取综合技术措施。
Abstract: To improve the economic performance on breeding ricefield eel in pond, we must adapt comprehensive technical measures including pong construction, pond disinfecting, ricefield eel fry breeding, pong water quality & temperature, feed raising, daily management, disease prevention & cure and harvesting, etc.
文章引用:陈俊伟, 吴前富. 提高池塘养鳝经济效益的技术措施[J]. 水产研究, 2017, 4(2): 49-52. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJFR.2017.42008


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