Discursive Constructions of Drug Issues by Chinese Media: Problems and Solutions
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2017.52003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,865  浏览: 4,238 
作者: 唐青叶:上海大学外国语学院,上海大学全球学研究中心,上海
关键词: 中国媒体毒品议题话语建构Chinese Media Drug Issue Discursive Constructions
摘要: 有效预防吸毒行为,首先应该帮助公众树立对毒品危害性的正确认知,媒体起着至关重要的作用。本文运用传播学和话语分析理论,对2013年9月1日至2014年8月31日这一年间中国各类媒体对毒品议题的报道进行定性、定量以及实证分析。研究发现,虽然真实世界里的毒品问题已经成为我国的重大社会问题,中国政府也把禁毒工作首次纳入国家安全战略体系,但是,媒体议程设置却欠协调,把毒品议题表征为重大社会问题时存在偏失,毒品作为战争话语、涉毒个案猎奇叙述较多,而医学、法学、人文话语表征不足,媒体宣传和干预有待进一步改善,基于此,本文对我国毒品治理工作中的媒体宣传策略及其毒品话语表征提出了建设性意见和建议。
Abstract: The effective prevention of drug abuse requires the public’s right perception of drug harms. For this purpose, media play an important role in guiding public’s attitude and behavior. This paper, drawing upon the methods of media and discourse analysis, with a reference to China Drug Report in 2015, does a quantitative and qualitative analysis on the drug news data of September1 2013 to August 31 2014 in China’s media. It aims to reveal the relationships of reality, policy agenda and media agenda in terms of drug issues. The findings are that though real world index shows the drug issue has become one of the most serious issues China faces, the government has raised the drug issue to the level of national security strategy, however, the media agenda has not adequately represented the drug issue. That is, there are more representations of drug as a war and more eye-attracting drug-related stories, but less medical, legal and humanistic representations. Therefore, the paper offers suggestions for the media’s drug education and drug discourse representation in the future.
文章引用:唐青叶. 中国媒体毒品议题的话语建构:问题与对策[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2017, 5(2): 15-21.


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