A Review of Studies on Conceptual Transfer
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作者: 郁 涵, 李丽君:文法学院外语系,中国矿业大学,北京
关键词: 语言迁移概念迁移综述Linguistic Transfer Conceptual Transfer Literature Review
摘要: 作为语言迁移研究的一个新视角,概念迁移研究着眼于从概念层面来审视更为广泛的语言迁移现象,给现有研究带来了新思路。本文基于Jarvis,Pavkenlo和Odlin等学者对于概念迁移的引介,回顾和总结了国内外概念迁移相关研究,并指出当前研究的可取之处和有待改进的地方,以期为今后的研究提供新思路。
Abstract: Conceptual transfer, as a newly-introduced perspective for understanding language transfer, aims to explore comprehensive language transfer from the conceptual level and suggests a different way of understanding such language phenomenon. This paper starts with the introduction of conceptual transfer to the field of SLA by Jarivs, Pavlenko and Odlin, follows with a review and critical comments of major relevant studies both in China and other countries, concludes with some suggestions for future research to enrich the existing literature.
文章引用:郁涵, 李丽君. 概念迁移国内外研究典例述评[J]. 现代语言学, 2017, 5(2): 166-174. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2017.52023


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