p-Norm DSDD Matrices and New Eigenvalue Localization Region
DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2017.63042, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,708  浏览: 3,890 
作者: 郑巧娟, 李耀堂:云南大学数学与统计学院,云南 昆明
关键词: p-范数DSDD矩阵非奇异H-矩阵特征值定位p-Norm DSDD Matrix Nonsingular H-Matrix Eigenvalue Localization
摘要: 给出一类新的非奇异矩阵——p-范数双严格对角占优矩阵(简记为p-范数DSDD矩阵),并由其得到一个新的矩阵特征值包含区域。文中算例表明在某些情况下本文的矩阵特征值包含区域含于著名的Brauer- Cassini卵形区域之中。
Abstract: A new class of nonsingular matrices, p-norm double strictly diagonally dominant matrices, (shorthand for p-norm DSDD matrices), is presented, and it is used to get a new eigenvalue inclusion region. A numerical example is given to show that the eigenvalue inclusion in this paper, in some cases, is in the famous Brauer-Cassini oval area.
文章引用:郑巧娟, 李耀堂. p-范数双严格对角占优矩阵与新的矩阵特征值包含区域[J]. 应用数学进展, 2017, 6(3): 367-375. https://doi.org/10.12677/AAM.2017.63042


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