The Visual Effect of Balanced Design in the Style of Clothing
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.65078, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,720  浏览: 6,254 
作者: 宁艳群, 尚笑梅:苏州大学纺织与服装工程学院,江苏 苏州
关键词: 不对称层次视觉服装款式均衡设计Dissymmetry Layer Visual Clothing Styles Balanced Design
摘要: 在众多的设计手法中,均衡设计所呈现出来的视觉效应一直备受设计师们的青睐。服装款式设计可以是规则的、有序的,表现出一种对称的美感;也可以是错落有致的,表现出一种均衡的美感。前者在视觉上表达工整的意境,但缺乏朝气和变化;后者表达一种灵动感,能给观赏者一种协调统一的视觉感受。均衡设计在服装中的运用主要体现在款式的不对称设计、色彩和面料的不对称分布以及图案的不对称变化,达到一种视觉的“错落”效应,让服饰具有层次感和设计感。文章从社会背景与现状开始分析,阐述了均衡设计的发展状况以及其在服装中的运用带来的视觉效果。
Abstract: In a large number of design techniques, the visual effect of balanced design has been highly fa-vored by designers. Fashion design can regularly and orderly show a symmetrical beauty; can also be a patchwork, showing a balanced beauty. The former is in the visual expression of artistic conception of neat, but lacks of vitality and change; the latter is in the visual expression of a kind of artistic conception and dynamic spirit, for the viewer to enjoy a vision of harmony and unity. The use of balanced design in the clothing is mainly reflected in the asymmetrical design of the style, the asymmetric distribution of color and fabric and the asymmetric changes in the pattern, to achieve a visual “scattered” effect, so that clothing has a sense of hierarchy and design. The article begins with the social background and the present situation, elaborates the development condition of the balanced design and its visual effect in the clothing application.
文章引用:宁艳群, 尚笑梅. 均衡设计在服装款式中的视觉作用[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(5): 566-572. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.65078


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