The Items of Discourse on Salt andIron: Research Regarding the PrimaryFactors That Destroyed the Ecological Environment
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作者: 皮凌斐:中南民族大学,民族学与社会学学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 《盐铁论》生态环境Discourses on Salt and Iron Ecological Environment
摘要: 桓宽的《盐铁论》不只是一部反映儒法斗争的著作,还全面展示了西汉中期的整体社会风貌,贤良文学与御史大夫辩论的主题从国家政策法令到百姓衣、食、住、行、用,无所不包。从环境史角度对辩论双方言论中所涉物品按不同用途与属性划分,不难看出这一时期破坏生态环境的主要因素有水旱灾害频发、人类对资源的过度索取、人口增长和屯田及大规模战争的破坏等。另外,从双方的辩论中,我们还可以总结出有关环境治理的思想。
Abstract: Discourses on Salt and Iron reflects the struggle of Confucianism and Legalism, showing a broad spectrum of social features of the Mid-Western Han Dynasty. Classic literature debate comparing imperial censorship involving national policies and how it effected basic public necessities are noted in this discourse. From the perspective of environmental history, I describe the main factors that destroyed the ecological environment during this period, which included frequent floods, over consumption of resources, population growth, land cultivation and the large-scale destruction caused by war. On both sides of the debate, we can account for the method of governance on the environment.
文章引用:皮凌斐. 从《盐铁论》所载物品看破坏生态环境的主要因素[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(5): 553-559. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.65076


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