The Optimization for Traffic Management of Crossroad
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2017.63011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,903  浏览: 4,376 
作者: 陈天雄, 陈 斌, 张 铮*:北京航空航天大学,航空科学与工程学院,固体力学研究所,北京
关键词: 安全跟驰距离跟驰理论最大车流量红绿灯时长优化车间距Safety Distances Car-Following Theory Maximum Traffic Flow Optimization of Traffic Lights Line Distance
摘要: 十字路口交通管理不仅是城市交通的瓶颈,更成为一个对经济、社会有重大影响的课题。国内外已经有很多相关的研究,但大多以经验公式为基础,并没有形成普适的理论方法,难以准确的对十字路口的交通流量进行优化。在前人研究基础上,本文根据实地调查,用理论力学方法建立了十字路口车辆通行模型,讨论了红绿灯时间长度与车流量之间的相互关系,分析了影响车流量的各个因素,如车辆之间的安全跟驰距离,前车和后车的跟驰关系,车间距及启动方式等,最终通过计算分析得到了车流通过量优化方案,为十字路口交通管理提供了理论借鉴。
Abstract: Traffic management is not only the bottleneck of urban transportation, but also a significant subject of development of the economy and society. A lot of researches focus on this subject at home and abroad, however, most of which are mainly based on the empirical formula. A universal method is required to accurately assess the optimization of traffic flow at the intersection. This work presented the vehicle traffic (pass the crossroad) model constructed by theoretical mechanics method, through field investigation. Discussions were conducted on the relationship among the duration of traffic signal conversion, the traffic flow (the distance between vehicles and the starting style), the security distance between vehicles, the relationship of Car-following, and so on. Consequently, the optimization choice of Car-following was obtained, which provides a better theoretical method for the traffic management of crossroad.
文章引用:陈天雄, 陈斌, 张铮. 十字路口的交通流优化[J]. 交通技术, 2017, 6(3): 86-93. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2017.63011


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