Clinical Experience of Internal and External Treatment on Sequelae of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
DOI: 10.12677/TCM.2017.62007, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,559  浏览: 2,131 
作者: 徐 萍, 戴秀琼, 马朝敏, 肖莉虹, 肖高清, 钱 玲:云南省文山州中医医院妇产科,云南 文山壮族苗族自治州;曹 阳:上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院妇科,上海
关键词: 盆腔炎性疾病后遗症内外合治标本兼治Sequelae of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Internal and External Treatment Treat Both Root Causes and Symptoms
摘要: 盆腔炎性疾病是滇南地区育龄妇女易患的妇科多发病之一,由于地区偏远及经济条件的限制,常常迁延致一系列后遗症。我科在总结老一辈经验的基础上,在辨证论治的前提下,提倡标本兼治,内外合治的原则,取得了良好的治疗效果。
Abstract: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is one of the most common gynecological diseases in southern Yunnan Province. It often causes a series of sequelae, due to the remote and economic constraints. This paper introduces our department of the old experts’ clinical experience in treating PID. Differential Treatment on the basis of summing up the experience of years of clinical characteristics in the clinical treatment has produced good results.
文章引用:徐萍, 戴秀琼, 马朝敏, 肖莉虹, 肖高清, 钱玲, 曹阳. 内外合治法治疗盆腔炎性疾病后遗症的临证体会[J]. 中医学, 2017, 6(2): 35-39. https://doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2017.62007


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