Problems and Countermeasures to Promote the Rule of Law in College Students’ Education Management
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2017.52008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,448  浏览: 3,220  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨士林:济南大学政法学院,山东 济南 ;冯淑英:山东法官学院,山东 济南
关键词: 学生管理学位授予纪律处分法治化Students’ Management Degree Awarding Disciplinary Action Rule of Law
摘要: 高校在学生管理工作中存在着一些不适应法治化要求的现象,亟待加以研究解决。高校学生管理应适应依法治国的新形势,转变思想观念,修改和完善不符合法治原则和法治精神的校规校纪;管理手段和管理权力坚持合法性原则,不断推进依法治校的进程,使学生管理走向法治化的道路。
Abstract: There are some phenomena that do not meet the requirements of the rule of law in the manage-ment of students’ affairs in colleges and universities, which need to be solved urgently. The man-agement of college students should adapt to the new situation of the rule of law, change ideas, modify and perfect the rules and regulations which do not conform to the principle of rule of law; management means and power should adhere to the principle of legality, and continuously push forward the process of administering by law, making the student management on the way to the rule of law.
文章引用:杨士林, 冯淑英. 高校学生管理工作法治化存在的问题及对策[J]. 法学, 2017, 5(2): 57-66. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2017.52008


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