Experimental Study of Main Flow on Vertical Slot Fishway
DOI: 10.12677/AEPE.2017.52007, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,594  浏览: 3,027  科研立项经费支持
作者: 张杰豪, 毛 熹*, 沈敬雄, 陈胥良, 段晨阳, 陈 超, 余吉奎:四川农业大学水利水电学院,四川 雅安
关键词: 竖缝式鱼道模型试验结构流速图Vertical Slot Fishway Model Experiment Structure Velocity Map
摘要: 水电站、大坝等工程的建设,阻断了河流流域中各种鱼类的洄游路线。为保证鱼类的生存环境,各工程大都采用了修建鱼道的形式来沟通鱼类的洄游。竖缝式鱼道是各种型式鱼道中采用最广泛的。本文主要通过对竖缝式鱼道进行模型试验,得到竖缝式鱼道主流流速的变化规律及主流的路径,从而绘制出相关的竖缝式鱼道的主流变化规律图以及主流的流速图。
Abstract: The construction of dam and hydropower station blocks the migratory route of fishes in the river basin. Fishways are structures that guarantee the migration of fish. The vertical slot fishway is the most common type. This paper presents the results of an experimental work on the vertical slot fishway. The value of velocity in the main flow and its path are indicated by the results, and the change regulation and velocity map of the main flow are drawn out, simultaneously.
文章引用:张杰豪, 毛熹, 沈敬雄, 陈胥良, 段晨阳, 陈超, 余吉奎. 竖缝式鱼道主流流态试验研究[J]. 电力与能源进展, 2017, 5(2): 39-45. https://doi.org/10.12677/AEPE.2017.52007


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