Research of Spatial Polarization Change in the Inland Open Area—A Case Study of Chongqing City
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2017.72011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,560  浏览: 2,781  科研立项经费支持
作者: 张学儒:北京大学城市规划与设计学院,广东 深圳
关键词: 空间极化区域基尼系数内陆开放区重庆市Spatial Polarization Regional Gini Coefficient Inland Open Area Chongqing City
摘要: 区域空间结构的集中与扩散程度的定量测度分析是辨识区域发展水平,认知区域发展所处阶段的有效方法。本研究以重庆市域为案例区,基于2006~2012年间的人口与GDP统计数据,采用区域分散性指数、集聚性指数、区域基尼系数、极化指数四个指标,定量测度人口与经济要素在重庆市域内的集聚与扩散特征及其演变规律。结果表明:(1)2006年至2012年间,集散性指数逐渐降低、中心性指数逐渐升高、说明空间结构趋于集中发展、单中心趋势愈发显著。(2)从2006年~2012年间基尼系数和极化指数的演变规律来看,以2008年为时间节点,在此之前重庆内陆开放区空间结构应处于低水平的均衡状态;之后,基尼系数的数值在0.4以上,重庆内陆开放区自此进入了高速不平衡发展阶段,但是极化速度呈放缓趋势。
Abstract: The quantitative measures analysis of spatial polarization is an effective method for identifying the level and phase of regional development. Taking Chongqing City as the study area, the spatial polarization change, characteristics of population and economic factors were measured quantita-tively, based on the statistical data of population and GDP from 2006 to 2012. The results show that: (1) The regional dispersion index decreased gradually and the regional concentration index increased gradually, which shown spatial structure became more concentrated and the trend of single center was increasingly significant between 2006 and 2012. (2) The evolvement rule of re-gional Gini coefficient and the polarization index shows that spatial structure should be a kind of low-level equilibrium before 2008. After 2008, the regional Gini coefficient values were above 0.4; Chongqing entered to the high-speed uneven development phase, but the speed of polarization decreased gradually.
文章引用:张学儒. 内陆开放区空间极化演变分析—以重庆市为例[J]. 可持续发展, 2017, 7(2): 85-91. https://doi.org/10.12677/SD.2017.72011


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