The Influence of Emotion Regulation on Decision-Making and Its Neural Correlates
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.74069, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,289  浏览: 5,180 
作者: 郑婷婷, 韩凌子, 陈煦海:陕西省行为与认知心理学重点实验室,陕西师范大学心理学院,陕西 西安
关键词: 决策情绪调节风险偏好时间折扣Decision-Making Emotion Regulation Risk Preference Temporal Discounting
摘要: 情绪与决策相生相成、难以分离,情绪对决策影响利弊兼具,因而运用调节策略发挥情绪的积极作用、限制情绪的消极影响对正确决策有很强的现实意义。已有研究表明,对决策中固有情绪和外在情绪的调节都可以改变决策行为,包括改变决策者的风险偏好、时间折扣率和公平决策,而且这种改变可增可减,具有较大的灵活性。这一过程是通过调控杏仁核、纹状体、脑岛、腹内侧前额叶和背外侧前额叶等脑区的激活水平和神经连接得以实现的。未来研究应关注一些新兴调节策略及其对利他决策的影响,并从情绪影响决策的具体机制层面考察情绪调节的作用及其神经机制;同时应开展更具生态效度的研究,以实现利用情绪促进决策的目的。
Abstract: Emotion and decision-making go hand in hand in daily life. Given that emotion exerts both positive and negative effects on decision-making, it is of great significance to make the best use of emotion regulation to augment the positive effect, while limiting the negative effect of emotion on decision- making. Previous studies showed that regulations on both integral and incidental emotion could alter decision-making, including risk preference, time discounting, and fairness perception. Critically, emotion regulation can be upward and downward. The neural correlates underlying the nexus between decision-making and emotion regulation seem to consist of multiple modulatory neural circuits, including amygdala, ventral striatum, insula, ventral medial prefrontal cortex, and dosal lateral prefrontal cortex. Future studies should pay more attention to the regulation effects of new techniques on decision-making and explore their neural mechanisms in more depth. Moreover, more studies with higher ecological validity are needed to promote the use of emotion regulation in decision-making.
文章引用:郑婷婷, 韩凌子, 陈煦海 (2017). 情绪调节对决策的影响及其神经基础. 心理学进展, 7(4), 561-569. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.74069


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