The Impact of the Top Management Team Characteristics on Chinese Companies’ International Strategy
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2017.72008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,817  浏览: 5,455  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王岚*:北京语言大学商学院,北京;丁一:伦敦国王学院商学院,英国 伦敦
关键词: 高管团队特征国际化战略高阶理论Top Management Team Characteristics International Strategy Upper Echelons Theory
摘要: 随着国家各项优惠政策的颁布和越来越多的中国企业走“国际化”道路的选择,如何在最短时间内运用最有效的方法实施国际化战略,是企业高管们面临的难题。在现代企业中,企业是否能在效率最优的情况下实施国际化战略不仅取决于企业外部的客观因素,还取决于企业管理者的主观判断和引导。本文在总结中国企业国际化发展的特征和模式基础上,基于高阶理论对我国的两个国际化企业的高管团队特征及其对国际化的影响进行了分析。在高管团队组成特征的改进、高管团队同/异质性特征的融合,以及团队国际化意识的培养等几个方面提出推动国际化发展的建议。
Abstract: In modern companies, internationalization depends on not only objective factors from the outside, but also the managers’ subjective judgments and conducts. Therefore, what impacts top managers have on companies’ internationalization? How to improve companies’ internationalization by using top managers’ characteristics? This thesis firstly describes the characteristics of the top management team, and then lists out the traits and patterns of Chinese companies’ internationalization. Based on the Upper Echelons Theory, the thesis analyzes two successful Chinese companies that develop well in the global market. Lastly, it brings up with four suggestions that can improve the strength of Chinese top management team. By the use of statistics and theories, many companies can upgrade their top management team to improve their development in the global market.
文章引用:王岚, 丁一. 企业高管团队特征对中国企业国际化战略的影响[J]. 现代管理, 2017, 7(2): 47-52.


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