Study on the Experiences of Anesthesia Medical Staffs Participating in PCIA
DOI: 10.12677/NS.2017.62010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,658  浏览: 3,247 
作者: 刘伟伟*, 韩文军, 彭琳:长海医院麻醉科SICU,上海
关键词: 患者静脉自控镇痛参与感知PCIA Participate Experience
摘要: 目的:探究麻醉医护人员参与及感知的术后PCIA镇痛管理现状。方法:采用半结构式访谈法,对21名麻醉医护人员参与术后PCIA的体验进行访谈,整理访谈资料并析出主题。结果:麻醉医护人员被动参与PCIA使用的决策过程;认可PCIA的镇痛效果;影响PCIA镇痛效果的因素具有多样性。结论:医护人员可为患者提供专业性意见,助其决策;医护人员的术后疼痛及镇痛知识、信念、行为会影响到术后PCIA的实施;术后镇痛管理模式标准化。
Abstract: Objective: to explore the experiences of anesthesia medical staffs who participated in PCIA. Me-thods: using semi-structured interviews to interview 21 anesthesia medical staffs on their expe-riences in PCIA. Results: anesthesia staffs make passive decision in using PCIA; they recognize the analgesic effect and think there are kinds of factors will influent PCIA. Conclusions: medical staff can provide professional advice for patients to make their decisions; the knowledge, belief, behavior of medical staff in postoperative pain and analgesia will affect the implementation of PCIA and the standardization of postoperative analgesia management model.
文章引用:刘伟伟, 韩文军, 彭琳. 麻醉医护人员参与及感知的术后PCIA镇痛现状研究[J]. 护理学, 2017, 6(2): 46-51. https://doi.org/10.12677/NS.2017.62010


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