Composite Wet Electrostatic Precipitator and Conductive FRP Plate Anodes
摘要: 主要介绍了复合式湿式电除尘器除尘除雾原理、系统组成、工艺参数与性能特点;并详细介绍了板式导电玻璃钢阳极板特点、生产工艺、产品结构及质量控制。复合式湿式电除尘器主要应用于湿法脱硫后湿烟气的除尘除雾,已在燃煤电厂1000 MW、600 MW、300 MW等级机组上应用60多台套。具有结构紧凑,除尘除雾效率高,在水耗、能耗等综合技术经济指标具有明显优势,整体技术达到国际先进水平。
Abstract: This article mainly introduces composite wet electrostatic precipitator and mist removal principle, system composition, process parameters and performance characteristics, and introduces the conductive FRP plate anodes’ characteristics, production process, product structure and quality control in detail. The composite wet electrostatic precipitator is mainly used in wet flue gas dust and mist removal after wet desulfurization and more than 60 composite wet electrostatic precipitators have been applied in 1000 MW, 600 MW and 300 MW grade units. It has the advantages of compact structure, high efficiency of dust and mist removal, and its comprehensive technical and economic indicators, such as water consumption and energy consumption have obvious advantages and its overall technology has reached the international level.
文章引用:杨传遍, 刘轶. 复合式湿式电除尘器及其板式导电玻璃钢阳极板[J]. 环境保护前沿, 2017, 7(2): 85-92. https://doi.org/10.12677/AEP.2017.72013


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