Developing Questionnaire for College Students’ Online-Communication Intrinsic Motivation Based on Attachment Theory
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.73056, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,779  浏览: 4,560 
作者: 张 焰:北京航空航天大学心理与行为研究所,北京;张 彩:北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心,北京;王 耘:北京师范大学脑与认知科学研究院,北京
关键词: 依恋理论大学生网络交往动机问卷编制Attachment Theory College Students Cyber-Communication Motivation Questionnaire Development
摘要: 本研究以依恋理论为基础,通过因素分析共同建构并验证模型,按照心理测量的程序,完成了“大学生网络交往动机问卷”的编制。先后对全国范围内各级各类高校中选取的5976名大学生进行一系列调查。探索性因素分析获得4个因素,各项目共同性在0.424~0.689之间,项目区分度良好。量表的Cronbach’s Alpha系数在0.679~0.832之间,每个因素层面的载荷均在0.6以上,且总量表信度系数超过0.8,验证性因素分析结果RMSEA为0.041,GFI、CFI等拟合指数均在0.9以上,模型的设置合理,与两份国内同行编制的“网络交往动机问卷”之间的相关达到.485和.477显著性水平。各项参数均达到良好的测量学指标,可以在后续研究中加以使用。
Abstract: This study constructed a questionnaire for college students’ online-communication intrinsic mo-tivation based on Attachment Theory, in strict accordance with psychological measurement pro-cedures. 5976 subjects selected from various colleges across the country were involved. Exploratory factor analysis conducted, 4 factor dimensions obtained, the commonality of each items lies between 0.424 - 0.689 with good discrimination. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of the scale lies between 0.679 - 0.832 whose reliability is more than 0.8 and the four factors loaded above 0.6. Confirmatory factor analysis results showed that the RMSEA is 0.041 and the fit indices of GFI and CFI were all above 0.9. The questionnaire is reasonable compiled and well correlated with another two Online-Communication Motivation Questionnaires; the psychometric index of its parameters had good performance and can be used in following studies.
文章引用:张焰, 张彩, 王耘 (2017). 基于依恋理论的大学生网络交往动机问卷编制的研究. 心理学进展, 7(3), 453-462. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.73056


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