Failure Analysis of Fatigue Fracture for the Percussion Shaft of the Whole Hydraulic Taphole Machine for Baosteel
DOI: 10.12677/MEng.2017.41003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,664  浏览: 3,585 
作者: 唐永辉, 刘仕虎:宝钢股份炼铁厂设备管理室,上海
关键词: 高炉开口机打击轴断裂失效机理有限元Blast Furnace Taphole Machine Percussion Shaft Fracture Failure Mechanism Finite Element
摘要: 宝钢四高炉自投产以来,开口机打击轴在使用过程中多次出现断裂,严重影响开口机运行效率,导致备件维护成本增加。针对这一问题,结合打击轴现场使用状况,从理论上分析了打击轴断裂失效机理,并从结构设计、材料、制造加工以及使用维护等四个方面分析了造成打击轴断裂的多种因素,提出了避免打击轴断裂的预防措施。
Abstract: Percussion shafts of taphole machine have been ruptured frequently since the No.4 Blast Furnace began to product in Baosteel, which seriously influences the efficiency of taphole machine, and brings on the increasing cost of equipment maintenance. Associating with the using status of per-cussion shaft, the mechanism of failure by fracture of rupture of percussion shaft is theoretically analyzed in detail, and the factors of fracture are discussed from structural design, material, man-ufacturing and maintenance, and finally several measures for preventing fracture of rupture of percussion are brought forward.
文章引用:唐永辉, 刘仕虎. 宝钢全液压开口机打击轴疲劳断裂失效分析[J]. 冶金工程, 2017, 4(1): 12-22. https://doi.org/10.12677/MEng.2017.41003


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