Effects Analysis on Profit Allocation in Branched Steel Industry Supply Chains
DOI: 10.12677/MSE.2017.61005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,731  浏览: 3,852 
作者: 王金桃, 蔡昕皓:上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院,上海
关键词: 钢铁供应链分支利润分配Steel Industry Supply Chain Branch Profit Allocation
摘要: 根据钢铁供应链的产业特征与市场结构,构造了由一个铁矿石供应商与二个钢铁企业组成的三级分支钢铁供应链,分析了铁矿石供应商与二个钢铁企业的利润,并与单条供应链模型的结果进行了比较分析。运用三大铁矿石供应商与中国、日本钢铁行业的相关数据,间接地说明了分支钢铁供应链上的利润分配关系。
Abstract: Based on the industry character and market structure of steel industry supply chain, a branched supply chain model which is compounded of one iron ore supplier and two steel corporations is formed, and the profit allocation is calculated and the equilibrium solution shows that the low-tech branch profits decrease but the high-tech branch profits increase comparing to the model without branches. Using the data of 3-big iron ore supplier and China’s and Japan’s Steel industry, the profit allocation relation along the branched steel industry supply chains is verified indirectly.
文章引用:王金桃, 蔡昕皓. 钢铁供应链分支对利润分配的影响分析[J]. 管理科学与工程, 2017, 6(1): 28-38. https://doi.org/10.12677/MSE.2017.61005


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