The Relationship between Identification of Violent Video Games Roles and Aggression: The Mediating Effect of Moral Distress
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.73043, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,386  浏览: 8,891 
作者: 石 烁, 高雪梅 :西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 暴力电子游戏角色认同道德困境攻击性Violent Video Games Identification Moral Distress Aggression
摘要: 本研究旨在探究个体对暴力电子游戏角色的角色认同水平对个体攻击性产生影响的潜在机制。我们招募了79名大学生被试,游戏前使用游戏使用习惯问卷测量被试游戏经验,玩20分钟游戏后,使用角色认同问卷、道德困境问卷和辣椒酱方式分别对角色认同、道德困境和攻击性水平进行测量。结果发现:1) 角色认同与道德困境存在显著负相关,道德困境与攻击性存在显著负相关;2) 道德困境在角色认同与攻击性的关系中起到完全中介作用。因此,对暴力电子游戏角色的角色认同水平能够通过道德困境水平对攻击性水平产生影响,即道德困境在角色认同与攻击性之间起到中介作用。
Abstract: The study was to explore the potential mechanism of the influence of identification on aggression. Totally 79 undergraduates were recruited. Before playing violent video game, participants completed the video game questionnaire. After playing violent video game for 20 minutes, participants completed the identification questionnaire, the moral distress questionnaire and the hot sauces test, which were used to measure their identification, moral distress and aggression separately. Results are follows: 1) There was a significant negative correlation between identification and moral distress, and a significant negative correlation between moral distress and aggression. 2) Moral distress played a mediator role between identification and aggression. Thus, moral distress mediated the relationship between identification and aggression.
文章引用:石烁, 高雪梅 (2017). 暴力游戏角色认同与攻击性的关系:道德困境的中介作用. 心理学进展, 7(3), 341-347. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.73043


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