峨眉110 kV蔡沱变电站备品备件管理系统研究
Research on the Management System of the 110 kV Intelligent Substation Spare Parts in Emei Cai Tuo Area
DOI: 10.12677/JEE.2017.51005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,129  浏览: 6,229 
作者: 刘的可:国网乐山供电公司,四川 乐山
关键词: 备品备件管理方式数据管控物联网Spare Parts Management Mode Data Management Networking
摘要: 为弥补峨眉蔡沱片区110 kV智能变电站的备品备件管理方式的管理缺陷,结合物联网思维模式来改进备品备件管理方式,实现备品备件管理精益化,以进一步增强变电站管理智能化程度,提出备品备件智能管理系统。基于C#开发平台与数据库SQL Server 2005、物联网RFID技术,结合物联网思想设计开发了变电站备品备件数据管理系统,以代替传统管理方式,提高备品备件管理效能,促进了智能变电站的完善建设,有效保障了管理制度,能够对备品备件能有序且准确地监控与管理,提高了管理工作可靠度,节约成本。
Abstract: In order to remedy the managing defect of the management of spare parts at the 110 kv intelligent substation in Cai Tuo area, this paper put forward a intelligent management system of spare parts, which can improve the spare parts management and realize the lean management of spare parts by combining thinking of IOT. It also can further enhance the management level of intelligent substation. Spare parts data management system based on C#, the database of SQL Server 2005 and RFID was designed and developed by combining with ideas of IOT. The spare parts data management system can monitor spare parts accurately instead of the traditional management of spare parts. It improves management efficiency and reliability of work, and it promotes the construction of smart substation. It also can security management system effectively and reduce the cost.
文章引用:刘的可. 峨眉110 kV蔡沱变电站备品备件管理系统研究[J]. 电气工程, 2017, 5(1): 34-41. https://doi.org/10.12677/JEE.2017.51005


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