Do Migrant Parents Affect Their Children to Accept High School Education?—Research on the Different Influence Mechanism of Parents Based on Multi-Value Treatment Effect
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.63045, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,710  浏览: 2,814 
作者: 戴 瑶, 李晓雨:中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院,北京
关键词: 高中教育留守儿童收入效应照顾效应示范效应High School Education Left-Behind Children Income Effect Care Effect Demonstration Effect
摘要: 本文使用中国居民收入调查数据,采用多值处置效应方法,探究父母外出务工对子女是否接受高中教育的影响,并在投资效应、照顾效应和示范效应的框架下解释实证结果。研究结果表明,由于父母双方均外出务工能显著提高家庭收入,增加教育投资,父母均外出务工对子女接受高中教育的影响显著为正;而仅母亲外出务工的家庭,收入增加对教育的投资效应很小,而照顾效应损失很大,因此仅母亲外出务工显著降低了子女接受高中教育的概率;对家庭中仅父亲外出务工,如何影响子女是否接受高中教育,本文并没有发现显著的实证证据。
Abstract: This paper uses the data of the Chinese Household Income Project and adopts the method of multi-value disposition to explore whether migrant parents affect their children to accept high school education. We explain the empirical results in the framework of investment effect, care effect and demonstration effect. The results show that, the impact of migrant parents on left-behind children is significantly positive for their high school education due to the fact that both parents are able to raise their income significantly and increase their investment in education. If only mothers go to work for the family, the effect of increased income on education is small and the loss of care effect is very large, so only migrant workers of mother significantly reduce the probability of children receiving high school education. This article did not find significant evidence for only migrant workers of father in their families about how to affect their children to accept high school education.
文章引用:戴瑶, 李晓雨. 父母外出务工会影响子女接受高中教育吗?—基于多值处置效应对父母不同影响机制的研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(3): 332-340. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.63045


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