Research on Cyberbullying
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.73029, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,956  浏览: 5,997 
作者: 张 东:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 网络欺负传统欺负心理社会问题Cyberbullying Traditional Bullying Psychosocial Problem
摘要: 互联网的快速普及导致网络欺负成为一个新的心理社会问题。网络欺负是指个体或群体使用电子信息交流方式,多次重复性地伤害难以自我保护的个体的一种敌意性的攻击行为。本文通过梳理近年来国内外文献,从网络欺负的定义、普遍性、特征、与传统欺负的关系、危害、相关研究、定性研究等方面对网络欺负研究进行系统性回顾,并对未来网络欺负的研究内容和方向进行了展望。
Abstract: The rapid spread of the Internet has led to cyberbullying as a new psychosocial problem. Cyber-bullying refers to individuals or groups cause repeated damage to individuals who are difficult to protect themselves from a hostile attack in an electronic context. This paper systematically reviews the research of cyberbullying from the aspects of the definition, prevalence, characteristics, the relationship with the traditional bullying, the harm, the related research and the qualitative research in the domestic and foreign literatures in recent years. The future research and content of cyberbullying are forecasted.
文章引用:张东 (2017). 网络欺负研究进展. 心理学进展, 7(3), 225-229.


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