The Research of Regret Psychology Based on the Perspective of Counterfactual Thinking
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.63029, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,865  浏览: 2,438 
作者: 刘 琴, 杨 东:西南大学心理学部,重庆;Cody Ding:西南大学心理学部,重庆;密苏里大学圣路易斯校区教育与心理学院,美国 圣路易斯;刘 唯, 高云鹏:四川文理学院教育学院,四川 达州
关键词: 反事实思维情绪后悔心理Counterfactual Thinking Emotions Regret Psychology
摘要: 反事实思维作为人类的一种独特的思维方式,与情绪密切相关,而与负性情绪尤其是后悔情绪的关系更是影响个体的行为。本文通过对国内外反事实思维与后悔心理的相关研究进行梳理,考察后悔心理产生后出现的反事实思维对个体的情绪状态以及思维方式甚至是个体的行为方式所产生的影响。最后通过访谈,发现大学生后悔心理状态下产生反事实思维的比例达到98.5%,以及反事实思维产生的动机原因可能为,由于对已有结果不满意而产生了强烈的后悔心理并且想要通过改变行为来改变事件产生的结果,从而改变自己的情绪状态。
Abstract: As a special way of thinking, counterfactual thinking has a close relationship with emotions. Its interaction with negative emotion especially regret psychology affects individual’s behaviors. Through the related psychological study of counterfactual thinking and regret, we focus on how the counterfactual thinking coming from regret influences individual’s emotional state, mode of thinking and even behavioral pattern. Finally the interview shows, the rate of college students who have experienced the counterfactual thinking after they feel regret about something reaches 98.5%. We presume that the underlying cause of counterfactual thinking might be changing the undesired results through assumptions and imaginary thoughts, and eventually save themselves from passive state.
文章引用:刘琴, CodyDing, 刘唯, 高云鹏, 杨东. 基于反事实思维视角的后悔心理研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(3): 219-225. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.63029


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