Hequ Power Plant Coal Mill Differential Pressure Level Meter
DOI: 10.12677/AEPE.2017.51002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,707  浏览: 3,719 
作者: 高晓东:神华国能河曲发电有限公司,山西 河曲
关键词: 磨煤机差压料位ACE煤粉细度Coal Mill Differential Pressure Level ACE Pulverized Coal Fineness
摘要: 本文分析磨煤机差压料位的工作原理,差压料位计最佳料位的控制,差压料位计改造后存在的问题与解决办法,重点介绍磨煤机差压料位计改造的可行性与经济性结合本厂的改造效果。
Abstract: This paper introduces the working principle of the coal mill differential pressure level. Differential pressure level meter is the best material level control. Differential pressure level meter after transforming had problems and solutions. The feasibility and economy of the transformation of the differential pressure level meter of the coal mill are introduced intensively in this paper.
文章引用:高晓东. 磨煤机河曲电厂差压料位计改造介绍[J]. 电力与能源进展, 2017, 5(1): 7-12. https://doi.org/10.12677/AEPE.2017.51002


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