Development of Hainan Local Culture and Tourism Industry
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.62018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,412  浏览: 8,169 
作者: 周 瑜:云南师范大学旅游与地理科学学院,云南 昆明
关键词: 乡土文化旅游产业海南省融合发展Local Culture Tourism Industry Hainan Integrative Development
摘要: 文化是旅游资源的灵魂,乡土文化对于一个地方来讲具有代表性的意义。充分的利用乡土文化资源能够很大程度上的促进旅游业的发展。海南省乡土文化资源丰富,旅游产业开发起步较早,发展较为滞后,乡土文化的开发、旅游发展中存在文化特色不够突出、商品化严重等问题。海南岛旅游产业、特别是文化旅游产业的开发是国家的重要战略部署。文章通过对海南乡土文化和旅游产业的构成、发展现状分析,针对海南省乡土文化旅游产业的发展中存在的问题,结合国内外乡土文化与旅游产业相融合的案例,得出:海南的乡土文化旅游应当集中文化、观光、娱乐的综合开发,坚持开发与保护的同步,完善基础设施,突出精品旅游开发,促进乡土文化旅游产业的建设发展。
Abstract: Culture is the soul of tourism resources. Therefore, local culture is of representativeness for certain place. Taking full use of local culture resources will to a great extent promote the development of local tourism. Hainan Province is abundant in local cultural resources. Its tourism developed much early, but lagged behind. Its exploitation of local culture and its tourism development have some problems, such as, the less prominent cultural features and serious commercialization. The tourism industry in Hainan Province, especially the exploitation of its cultural tourism industry, is the important strategic deployment of our country. The paper analyzed the structure and current development situation of local culture and tourism industry in Hainan Province. With regard to existing problems of the development of the local cultural tourism industry in Hainan Province, and combining domestic and foreign cases in which local culture integrates with tourism industry, this paper reached the conclusion that local cultural tourism of Hainan Province should focus on the comprehensive development of culture, sightseeing and entertainment, persist in the synchronization of exploitation and protection, increase the integrity of infrastructure and highlight the exploitation of excellent tourism, so as to promote the construction and development of its local cultural tourism industry.
文章引用:周瑜. 海南乡土文化与旅游产业融合发展研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(2): 136-145. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.62018


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