A Review of Studies on the Relationship between Mobile Phone Addiction and Impulsiveness
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.71009, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,039  浏览: 9,216 
作者: 冯君凤, 曹贵康:西南大学心理学部,重庆;教育部认知与人格重点实验室,重庆
关键词: 手机成瘾手机依赖冲动性Mobile Phone Addiction Mobile Phone Dependence Impulsivity
摘要: 手机成瘾是指个体对手机异常的过度依赖导致个体离开手机无法正常生活的现象,是继网络成瘾之后伴随着社会、科技的发展而出现的新型社会问题。高冲动性的个体在行动时容易受到当前因素的影响,缺乏思想上的权衡。冲动性是成瘾人群的显著人格特征,已有的研究已经表明个体的冲动性水平与物质成瘾和非物质成瘾都存在密切的关系。本文对手机成瘾与冲动性相关研究进行总结,同时也提出了手机成瘾自身的一些特殊性和对未来研究的展望。这些都为未来进一步揭示手机成瘾的心理行为机制等问题奠定了一定的基础。
Abstract: Mobile phone addiction refers to the phenomenon that the individuals unduly depend on mobile phone, which makes individual can’t live a normal life without the phone. Mobile Phone Addiction is a new social problem produced along with the development of society and technology after internet addiction. The individuals with high impulsivity level are vulnerable to the influence of surroundings, lacking the ideological trade-offs. Impulsivity is a significant personality trait of addictive group. Existing studies have confirmed that impulsivity is closely related to substance addictions and behavioral addictions. This article summarizes related researches in terms of mobile phone addiction and impulsivity. These studies expand the understanding of the relationship between mobile phone addiction and impulsivity, which also cast a light on the future research such as the psychological and behavioral mechanisms of mobile phone addiction. At the same time, we list several particularities of mobile phone addiction that distinguish from other kinds of addictions and point out the directions of future studies.
文章引用:冯君凤, 曹贵康 (2017). 手机成瘾与冲动性关系探究. 心理学进展, 7(1), 60-69.


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