Research on Android Dynamic Loading Technology
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2017.71005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,956  浏览: 3,891 
作者: 李政志*:四川大学计算机学院,四川 成都
关键词: 动态加载应用更新更新移动互联网Dynamic Loading Update App Update Mobile Internet
摘要: 21世纪,移动互联网飞跃式的发展,全球互联网用户数量急速上升。为了满足不同用户在不同使用场景下的需求,移动应用不断推陈出新,在其不断完善的同时,人们对移动应用也产生了依赖性。移动应用已经全面的深入到人们的吃、穿、住、行等方方面面。所以,为了适应市场的不断变化的需求和使用场景,各类服务提供商不得不快速的迭代产品。反之,由于产品的过于快速的迭代,使用户需要不断的更新和下载应用,造成用户体验较差。通过对android虚拟机加载Class的机制研究实现动态加载,让用户不用重新安装APK就实现应用升级更新功能。
Abstract: From the beginning of the 21st century, with the rapid development of mobile Internet, the num-ber of global Internet users increased rapidly. In order to meet the needs of different users in different scenarios, mobile applications continue to emerge; while its continuous improvement, people also have a dependence on mobile applications. Mobile applications have been fully integrated into the people’s eating, wearing, living, traveling and other aspects. So, in order to adapt to the ever-changing market demand and the use of scenarios, various service providers have to quickly iterative products. Conversely, because the product is too fast iteration, users need to constantly update and download applications, resulting in poor user experience. In order to enable users do not have to reinstall APK to achieve the application upgrade update function, you need to use dynamic loading technology in Android projects. In this paper, the dynamic loading technology of Android is studied.
文章引用:李政志. Android动态加载技术的研究[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2017, 7(1): 36-41.


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