Problems and Countermeasures of Industrial Projects in the Process of Precision Poverty Alleviation
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.61010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,732  浏览: 6,595 
作者: 王 欢, 王 庆, 陈德权:东北大学文法学院,辽宁 沈阳
关键词: 精准扶贫项目扶贫考核机制Precision Poverty Alleviation Project Poverty Alleviation Evaluation Mechanism
摘要: 产业项目扶贫是我国实施精准扶贫和全面建成小康社会的基本路径。但是,我国在实施产业项目扶贫过程中却出现了一些新的问题:扶贫项目简单化、单一化、与地方资源冲突、贫困户“坐地分赃”、项目来源渠道有限、孵化项目风险高、项目缺乏内生动力以及项目环境较差等。这些问题与我国的行政管理体制、扶贫考核机制、项目自身缺陷、地方经济弱以及参与人员创新能力差密切相关。因此,必须用产业化思维做大做强项目,扶贫先扶智,提高扶贫资金使用效率,发展地方经济,强化贫困户个体脱贫能力,完善考核机制和鼓励创新等多措并举。
Abstract: Precision poverty alleviation in industrial projects is the basic way to implement precision poverty alleviation and build a well-off society in an all-round way. However, in our country, the implementation of industrial poverty alleviation projects has appeared some new problems: poverty alleviation projects’ simplification, singleness, and conflicting with local resource, poor households “sharing the spoils”, limited project sources, high incubator project risk, the lack of endogenous motivation and poor project environment. These problems are closely related to the administrative system of our country, the evaluation system of poverty alleviation, the defect of the project itself, the weak local economy and the poor innovation ability. Therefore, the project must be strong with the industrialization of thinking; improve knowledge to get rid of poverty; improve the efficiency of the use of funds; promote local economic development; strengthen the ability of individual poor households out of poverty; improve the assessment mechanism and encourage innovation, etc.
文章引用:王欢, 王庆, 陈德权. 精准扶贫过程中产业项目扶贫的问题及对策[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(1): 83-91. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.61010


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