Research on the Site Selection of Healthy Endowment Real Estate Based on Geographic Information System—by Taking Jiangxia District of Wuhan as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.61009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,953  浏览: 4,372 
作者: 陈 双, 张 驰, 李远和:湖北大学商学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 康养地产生态康养GIS空间分析选址研究Healthy Endowment Real Estate Eco-Healthy GIS Spatial Analysis Site Selection Research
摘要: 在人口老龄化和亚健康化背景下,生态康养地产应运而生。这是一项涉及生态学、养生学、老年学、地理学及经济学等多内容的综合性产业。生态康养产业的内在属性,决定了其发展具有显著的自然垄断性和不可移植性。本文以层次分析法和地理信息系统为技术支持,结合国外养老地产选址原则和我国生态康养“六维度”原则,建立一种新的评价指标体系,以武汉市江夏区周边区域为案例,构建康养地产选址模型,来寻找适宜建设康养地产的区域地块,以期为城市规划提供更直观的参考与借鉴。
Abstract: With the background of the aging of population and sub-health, the eco-healthy endowment real estate has come into being. This is an integrated estate involving ecology, regimen, gerontology, geography and economics. The inherent nature of the eco-healthy endowment real estate deter-mines that its development has a significant characteristic of natural monopoly and non-portabi- lity. In this paper, it built a new evaluation index system which was established based on AHP and Geographic Information System (GIS), combining with the principle of the site selection of the old-age real estate abroad and the “six dimensions” of China’s ecological rehabilitation. Taking the surrounding situation of Jiangxia district of Wuhan as an example, this paper constructs the model of the location of healthy endowment real estate to find the suitable site for building healthy endowment real estate, which hopes to provide an intuitive reference for urban planning.
文章引用:陈双, 张驰, 李远和. 基于GIS的康养地产选址研究—以武汉市江夏区为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(1): 74-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.61009


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