The Transition from the Old to the New: The Change of the Masculinity and the Attitude of Audiences’ Gazing—Chinese Old Masculinity and New Masculinity on “Mr. Six”
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.61008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,866  浏览: 6,501 
作者: 王淑华:浙江传媒学院新闻与传播学院,浙江 杭州
关键词: 信码男人味表征公共领域抵制Symbol Masculinity Representation Public Sphere Resistance
摘要: 2015年底上映的国产电影《老炮儿》通过讲述北京老男人与新男人之间的冲突,来展现当代的男性形象。影片通过明星、道具、语言和镜头等不同符号的表征,展现了新旧两种不同的男人味。本文通过对《老炮儿》中男性形象的符码解读,展现男人味的变迁以及新旧男人味的共性,同时指出不同性别观众对影片展现的男人味的态度:男性观众趋于认同和效仿,女性观众通过观看获得愉悦的同时,还将其作为现实生活中性别关系的抵制实践。
Abstract: Chinese movie “Mr. Six” which had been run at the end of 2015 tells a story about confliction be-tween “old men” and “new men” in Beijing, and it spreads out images of contemporary masculinity. The movie shows two different masculinities by using symbols such as movie star, stage property, language and camera lens. This article will analyze the transition from the old to the new and the commonplace between them by representation of masculinity’s symbols. And when audiences see the movie, the attitudes to masculinity are not the same between man and woman. Men will recognize and imitate masculinity which is deduced by movie, while women will not only be delighted by seeing the movie and enjoying the hero, but also think this gazing practice as some kind of resistance on dealing with gender relationships in real life.
文章引用:王淑华. 新旧的更替:男人味的变迁和观众的凝视态度—从《老炮儿》看中国的老男人味和新男人味[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(1): 67-73. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.61008


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