A Research on Yunnan’s Ethnic Festival and Tourism Poverty-Alleviation in the Perspective of Tourism Anthropology
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.61003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,986  浏览: 5,360  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李 鑫:云南大学滇池学院,云南 昆明;云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院,云南 昆明
关键词: 旅游人类学云南民族节庆活动旅游扶贫平台效应Anthropology of Tourism Ethnic Festival of Yunnan Tourism Poverty-Alleviation Platform Effect
摘要: “旅游扶贫”已升级为国家战略,新时期的旅游发展要求对地方性旅游资源再搜索和再提炼,要求重新审视民族节庆活动的旅游开发模式。本文从旅游人类学对人和文化的学科关怀视角探讨新时期下的文化旅游扶贫,认为民族节庆活动的旅游化发展应发挥节庆旅游的平台效应,以地区特色物质产品、文化产品和服务为支撑,多元化盈利,通过拉伸产品的产业价值链带动地方民众的参与,实现广泛就业和脱贫。
Abstract: At present, tourism poverty-alleviation is regarded as a national strategy, which asks for a re-re- search and re-refining of regional tourism resources, and a re-examination of ethnic traditional festival’s development model is required as well. This paper, based on the subject care toward local people and culture of Tourism Anthropology, inquires into the tourism poverty-alleviation in a background of new policy. It proposes that the way that ethnic festival takes part in tourism development should focus on giving full play to platform effect, which should be supported by local special products, cultural artifact and service, and achieve a diversified profit model. The pull of employment and poverty-alleviation can be achieved through stretching the industrial chain of local products.
文章引用:李鑫. 基于旅游人类学视角的云南民族节庆活动与旅游扶贫[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(1): 21-27. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.61003


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