The Analysis on the Impact of Industrial Area on SO2 and NO2 Concentration, and PM2.5
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2017.71006, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,861  浏览: 4,415  科研立项经费支持
作者: 樊佳鑫, 刘忠梅:临沂大学土木工程与建筑学院,山东 临沂
关键词: K-S检验假设检验PM2.5正态分布K-S Test Hypothesis Testing PM2.5 Normal Distribution
摘要: 本次研究以临沂市工业区及非工业区的空气质量数据作为分析基础,通过正态性K-S检验发现:工业区及非工业区的SO2浓度指数、NO2浓度指数以及PM2.5指数均近似服从正态分布。通过参数假设检验发现:工业区的SO2浓度指数要明显高于非工业区,这是因为工业排放会使其周边地区的SO2骤增;但工业区与非工业区之间的NO2浓度差异、PM2.5指数差异均不明显,即工业排放不会显著提升NO2浓度和PM2.5指数,这是因为,造成NO2浓度以及PM2.5指数增加的首要原因并非只是工业排放,机车尾气排放以及扬尘、建筑尘等因素的影响更为突出。
Abstract: This research was based on the air quality data of industrial area and other areas. According to the result of K-S test, the data of SO2 concentration, NO2 concentration and PM2.5 in industrial area and other areas all nearly obey normal distribution. According to the result of the hypothesis testing, there is an obvious difference between the SO2 index of industrial area and the SO2 index of other areas, which is caused by the industrial emissions. However, the difference between the NO2 index of industrial area and other areas is not obvious, so it is the same with the PM2.5 index. In other words, neither do industrial emissions contribute to the increase of NO2 concentration nor the in-crease of PM2.5 index. That’s because what mainly cause both NO2 index and PM2.5 index rise are the vehicle exhaust, soil dust and construction dust compared with industrial emission.
文章引用:樊佳鑫, 刘忠梅. 工业区对SO2浓度、NO2浓度以及PM2.5的影响分析[J]. 可持续发展, 2017, 7(1): 42-49. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2017.71006


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