Investigation on Horse Gastric Myiasis in Zhaosu County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
DOI: 10.12677/ACRPVM.2017.61002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,803  浏览: 3,693  科研立项经费支持
作者: 肖培培, 刘世芳, 谢小婉, 杨红霞, 刘梦丽, 吴 辉, 姜子文, 吴东飞, 艾散江, 张 杨:新疆农业大学动物医学学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐;朱义忠:伊犁种马场核心马队,新疆 昭苏
关键词: 昭苏马胃蝇蛆感染情况Zhaosu Gasterophilus Infection Stations
摘要: 笔者对新疆昭苏县部分散养马进行驱虫,于2016年5月进行散养马驱虫保健工作,采集马匹粪便中的马胃蝇幼虫,明确马胃蝇感染强度,对马匹进行伊维菌素药物驱虫,并对粪便中获得的蝇蛆幼虫进行保存、鉴定及统计。结果显示,新疆昭苏县散养马携带有4种胃蝇,分别为红尾胃蝇(Gasterophilus haemorrhoidalis)、肠胃蝇(Gasterophilus intestinalis)、鼻胃蝇(Gasterophilus nasalis)、兽胃蝇(Gasterophilus pecorum),感染强度依次为兽胃蝇(70%)、红尾胃蝇(46.67%)、鼻胃蝇(23.33%)、肠胃蝇(13.33%)。说明昭苏县散养马有不同程度的马胃蝇蛆感染情况,且多表现为混合感染。
Abstract: Deworming was done for the herding horse in Zhaosu County. The herding horses were expelling parasites in May 2016 then collected Gasterophilus spp. larvae from the fecal of horses to known the infective intensity of Gasterophilus spp. Horses were dewormed using ivermectin and collected the Gasterophilus to conserve, authenticate and statistic. The result showed that herding horse in Zhaosu carried 4 Gasterophilus, Gasterophilus haemorrhoidalis, Gasterophilus intestinalis, Gaste-rophilus nasalis and Gasterophilus pecorum. The infective intensity was 70% of G. pecorum, 46.67% of G. haemorrhoidalis, 23.33% of G. nasalis and 13.33% of G.intestinalis respect. It means that the herd horse in Zhaosu has a varying degree infection of Gasterophilus and presents almost mixed infection.
文章引用:肖培培, 刘世芳, 谢小婉, 朱义忠, 杨红霞, 刘梦丽, 吴辉, 姜子文, 吴东飞, 艾散江, 张杨. 新疆昭苏县马胃蝇蛆病感染调查[J]. 亚洲兽医病例研究, 2017, 6(1): 5-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACRPVM.2017.61002


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