The Study of Compound Planting Model and Benefit Analysis of Phyllanthus emblica and Pelargonium grauelens L.
DOI: 10.12677/HJAS.2016.66031, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,554  浏览: 6,692  国家科技经费支持
作者: 段曰汤, 瞿文林, 黄文英, 马开华, 沙毓沧*:云南省农业科学院热区生态农业研究所,云南 元谋
关键词: 余甘子香叶天竺葵复合种植经济效益Phyllanthus emblica Pelargonium grauelens L. Compound Planting Economic Benefit
摘要: 目的:本研究旨在探讨余甘子与香叶天竺葵之间复种的效应,以提高余甘子林地综合利用率。方法:于2010~2013年间就不同树龄余甘子营养生长及林下间作的香叶天竺葵生物量、精油出油率变化做了对比分析及经济效益评估。结果:余甘子可以在3~4年间形成旺盛生长势,至第4年郁闭度可达80.09%,基本封行,开始产生经济效益。林下间作的香叶天竹葵生物量以年均37.60%的降幅从第1年9324 kg/亩逐年下降至第4年2257 kg/亩;精油出油率从第1年0.157%逐年递减至第4年的0.062%;其经济产值从第1年约1.60万元/亩逐年下降至第4年约0.17万元/亩;香叶天竺葵生物量与精油出油率和余甘子的营养生长及郁闭度均表现出显著负相关。结论:复合种植的两种作物存在互补——制约效应,前3年互补效应显著,从第4年开始,余甘子的生长已经对香叶天竺葵起到很强的制约作用,应在林下选用其它耐荫性作物复种。
Abstract: Objective: This study aimed at investigating into the compound planting effects between Phyl-lanthus emblica and Pelargonium grauelens L., so as to improve the land utilization rate. Methods: Some comparative analysis and benefit assessment of the vegetative growth of Phyllanthus emblica and the biomass and essential oil yields of Pelargonium grauelens L. intercropped with the Phyllanthus emblica have been carried out from 2010 through to 2013. Results: The results showed that the Phyllanthus emblica reached its vigorous growth between 3rd and 4th years, and in the 4th growth year, the canopy density could be up to 80.09%, achieving the crop line closure and beginning to produce economic benefits. However, the biomass of Pelargonium grauelens L. growth under the Phyllanthus emblica began to be reduced year by year, and the annual average reducing rate was 37.6%, with being from 9324 kg/666.7m2 in the 1st year to 2257 kg/666.7m2 in the 4th year; the essential oil yields declined from 0.157% in the 1st year to 0.062% in the 4th year; the economic output was from about 16,000 yuan RMB/666.7m2 in the first year to about 1700 yuan RMB/666.7m2 in the 4th year. Significant negative correlation was shown between the vegetative growth and canopy density of Phyllanthus emblica and the biomass and essential oil yields of Pelargonium grauelens L. Conclusions: Both complementary and restricting effect coexisted between the two intercropping crops under consideration. During the previous three intercropping years, there was a strong complementary effect, but from the beginning of the 4th year, Phyllanthus emblica began to be restricted the growth of Pelargonium grauelens L., so it is necessary to screen some crops that would tolerate the side effects of shading under the Phyllanthus emblica.
文章引用:段曰汤, 瞿文林, 黄文英, 马开华, 赵琼玲, 雷虓, 沙毓沧. 余甘子–香叶天竺葵复合种植模式研究及效益探讨[J]. 农业科学, 2016, 6(6): 202-209. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2016.66031


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