Effect Observation of Health Education of Preventing Paragonimiasis
DOI: 10.12677/ACM.2016.64039, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,765  浏览: 2,654  科研立项经费支持
作者: 温 印, 鞠 皓, 许愿梅, 周小力, 先兴会, 李 悦, 温婧陶, 王 静, 陈 敏, 方 策:西南医科大学,临床医学专业,四川 泸州;王光西:西南医科大学病原生物学教研室,四川 泸州
关键词: 肺吸虫病预防健康教育效果观察Paragonimiasis Prevention Health Education Effect Observation
摘要: 目的:对泸州市的肺吸虫病流行区学生、居民进行健康教育并效果观察。方法:医学生寒假期间在泸州市合江县、叙永县乡镇用漫画向学生、居民宣传如何预防肺吸虫病。通过走访调查和学校宣传两种方式,对不同的人群共计1731人,进行宣传和讲解预防肺吸虫病知识,对比健康教育前后的情况。结果:宣讲前、后居民对肺吸虫病的了解程度分别为6.35%(110/1731)和90.36%(1559/1731),不同文化程度的居民对肺吸虫的了解程度也不相同,分别为(文盲:宣讲前0%,宣讲后95.06%,小学文化:宣讲前2.50%,宣讲后84.41%,中学文化:宣讲前13.91%,宣讲后98.96%,大学及以上文化:宣讲前11.11%,宣讲后100%)。结论:1) 宣讲后居民对肺吸虫的了解程度明显增加。2) 文化程度越高,知晓肺吸虫的几率也越高,同时接受宣讲的效果也更好。3) 采取学校宣传的效果也优于走访的效果。4) 由医学生通过漫画的方式宣传,简单,明了,易接受。
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the effect of health education on preventing paragonimiasis in endemic area in Luzhou. Methods: 1731 villagers and students in paragonimiasis endemic area at Luzhou were educated how to prevent paragonimiasis by medical students through comics and lectures. Two health education methods, explanation in the school classroom and house-to-house visiting to prevent the paragonimiasis, were used. The improved effect on knowledge change was compared before and after health education. Results: The rate of people’s awareness of paragonimiasis before and after health education was shown fallows: A large number of villagers are getting more knowledge about paragonimiasis, from 6.35%(110/1731) to 90.06% (1559/1731), and different level of education background has different improving rate of knowing paragonimiasis: Illiterates, from 0% to 95.06%; Primary school, from 2.50% to 84.41%; High school, from 13.91% to 98.96%; University-educated or above, from 11.11% to 100%. Conclusion: 1) People can get a better understanding of paragonimiasis after being given lectures, as people’s knowledge of par-agonimiasis highly increases. 2) Comparing people with different education background, it could be found that the higher the education background, the better the effect. 3) It is more effective to give lectures at schools than house-to-house. 4) Propaganda of common sense through comics is more easily and widely-accepted.
文章引用:温印, 鞠皓, 许愿梅, 周小力, 先兴会, 李悦, 温婧陶, 王静, 陈敏, 方策, 王光西. 预防肺吸虫病健康教育的效果观察[J]. 临床医学进展, 2016, 6(4): 207-212. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACM.2016.64039


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