The Transition and the Modern Significance of the Cultural Connotation of Brokers
DOI: 10.12677/CnC.2016.44007, PDF, HTML, 下载: 1,804  浏览: 6,358 
作者: 胡 杨:中南林业科技大学经济学院,湖南 长沙;周金声:湖北工业大学,湖北 武汉
关键词: 掮客牙商“掮客政治”买办中介东西方差异Broker Yashang “Broker Politics” Comprador Intermediary Differences between the East and the West
摘要:  “掮客”在中国是一个很特殊的群体,被称为商人中的商人。可以在中国奴隶制时代寻觅到掮客的历史遗迹,历来对其称谓有很多。唐代时称其为“牙人”;近代掮客投靠洋商,成为著名的“买办阶级”;现代商业通常称其为“中介”。经历了几千年历史文化的积淀和洗礼,如今掮客依然有着特殊的生命力。
Abstract: Brokers are a very special group in China history and they are often called the merchant of mer-chants. The earliest history of brokers can date back to the slavery ages of China. They have been given different appellations all along, such as Yaren in Tang Dynasty, compradors in modern history who took refuge in foreign merchants and formed the well-known comprador classes, and intermediary in contemporary commerce. After going through thousands of years of historical and cultural influence, brokers in nowadays still have special vitality.
文章引用:胡杨, 周金声. “掮客”文化内涵的变迁和现代意义[J]. 国学, 2016, 4(4): 47-54. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CnC.2016.44007


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